Zoom Poetry Meetup
Join me for an easy, casual gathering of poetry. Stay for as long or as little as you can. Please, bring a poem or two that is speaking to you now.
What a relief we have in poetry. Even the difficult becomes somehow bearable. I look forward to seeing you!
Please RSVP and I’ll send you an email with the Zoom link the day before we meet.
What Else
The way the trees empty themselves of leaves,
let drop their ponderous fruit,
the way the turtle abandons the sun-warmed log,
the way even the late-blooming aster
succumbs to the power of frost—
this is not a new story.
Still, on this morning, the hollowness
of the season startles, filling
the rooms of your house, filling the world
with impossible light, improbable hope.
And so, what else can you do
but let yourself be broken
and emptied? What else is there
but waiting in the autumn sun?