Fred LaMotte

Alfred K. LaMotte is an adjunct professor of world religions and an interfaith chaplain in Olympia, WA.  He has written several books of poetry. He believes... beauty unfolds in the silence between thoughts. Again, we have a Fred LaMotte poem.


The world is scary.

I'm scared

That's the truth.

How about you?

The world is in chaos,

And I refuse to pretend

to know what to do.

Do you hear me?

I'm scared and I don't know.

Yet when I tell the truth,

a sacred white buffalo

wanders into my heart

and I feel a peace

the world cannot give-- or take away.

Do you hear me?

Perhaps this is what we can all do together:

Be scared.

Don't know.

Tell the truth.

Fred LaMotte, from his latest volume of poetry Strangers & Pilgrims


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Wendell Berry