James Bertolino

James Bertolino (1942-  ) was born in Pence, Wisconsin, near the border with Michigan. A descendant of Italian and French Canadian immigrant grandparents, he was introduced to poetry in high school by his sister, who brought him books by Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and other Beat poets from the local library; he started writing his own poems shortly thereafter. Bertolino is the author of 30 books and chapbooks of poetry and prose.


If you feel thirsty, get down

and lick from the pond.


If hungry, tear the bark off

a sapling and begin to chew.


Tired of walking? Go float in the river,

but watch for what will drag you under.


Grown weary of your life? Stop groaning

and climb onto a cliffside with a view.


Think about flying. Imagine finding

the love you need. Now go home.

James Bertolino


Liz Beasley


Navarre Scott Momaday