Elma Mitchell

Elma Mitchell (1919-2000) of Lanarkshire, Scotland she went south with a scholarship to Oxford, and remained in England, working as a librarian for the BBC and latterly as a freelance writer and translator. She published many volumes of poetry.

This Poem

This poem is dangerous; it should not be left

Within the reach of children, or even of adults

Who might swallow it whole, with possibly

Undesirable side effects. If you come across

An unattended, unidentified poem

In a public place, do not attempt to tackle it

Yourself. Send it (preferably in a sealed container)

To the nearest centre of learning, where it will be rendered

Harmless, by experts. Even the simplest poem

May destroy your immunity to human emotions.

All poems must carry a Government warning. Words

Can seriously affect your heart.

Elma Mitchell


Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Joy Harjo