Kate Dwyer

Kate Dwyer is a freelance writer based in New York. Her work has appeared in Teen VogueBon Appétit, TIMEAllure, and The New York Times among others. Kate says "I turn to poetry when my prose feels flat or too predictable."

Spring as Adversary

Mid-month it rained so hard

the daffodils lay down and did not get up again.

The apple trees pelted us with blossoms,

death by wet confetti.

I emptied the rain gauge 6 times in 3 weeks.

And a sinkhole the size of a battleship

swallowed the parking lot at the tire store.

It took no prisoners.

Still, after 5 years of drought,

we dared not complain.

I put on my rain suit for the 64th day in a row

and tried to be grateful that

I would be soaked through before

the dog walk was over.

Kate Dwyer


Laura Grace Weldon


Ella Wheeler Wilcox