Leonard E. Nathan

Leonard E. Nathan (1924-2007) was born in southern California and earned his PhD at Berkeley in 1961. Nathan was instrumental in many of the transformational changes occurring within the University during the late 1960s and was one of the founders of the Department of Rhetoric. A vibrant teacher, Nathan was also a prolific poet and writer. 'I have moved closer and closer to the human voice in my verse.'  ...'I call it eloquence—that makes it more than conversation.'

Thoughts Like Hawks

The hawk goes round,

the hawk goes round again,

again. When will he ever stop

blackening the clear air

with his easy circles,

circling immense

and empty heaven.

emptier for 

his dark drifting and drifting there?

Down he goes

just beyond the pines,

leaving heaven to itself;

but, like an after-image,

the black ring hangs

a moment more;

and he shall be back

to claim it too

out of the innocence of blue.

Leonard E. Nathan


Rose Styron


Becky Hemsley