Pat Ingoldsby
Pat Ingoldsby (1942- ) was born in Malahide, Dublin. He is a multifaceted artist - poet, playwright, writer and performer - from Dublin, with a unique imagination frequently flirting with the surreal.
God If I Could Look Out Now
My brother Michael said to me
"Do you remember
how we used to try and stay awake
to see the circus going in the morning?
When we woke up it was gone."
I shook my head.
I couldn't remember at all.
I can picture perfectly in my mind
how it must have been.
Two little boys
trying to keep their eyes open.
Eager to kneel on the morning-sill
and watch the horse-drawn wagons
creaking off the green.
I could draw you a picture
of how it must have been.
I'd love a second chance
to remember.
— Pat Ingoldsby