Barbara Crooker

Barbara Crooker (1945-  ) has won the Thomas Merton Poetry of the Sacred Award, the "April Is the Cruelest Month" Award from Poets & Writers, among many many others. Take a look at her website. Just too many accolades to tell here.

Azalea in Winter 

Only two tiny leaves are sticking out 

of the snow, the rest of the bush swallowed 

by deep drifts. Somewhere, in the shadowy 

darkness, hot pink buds are dreaming of spring. 

They do not despair, despite the long quarantine, 

the frigid nights, the new storm coming. They know 

that spring will arrive eventually, trailing its chiffon 

scarves on the sweet breath of the west wind. Right now, 

the snow mounds seem permanent as glaciers. But here’s 

the azalea, bravely raising its little green mitten, 

waving hello hello to the sun.


Barbara Crooker


Jenny George


Maya C. Popa