Zoë Higgins

Zoë Higgins is a poet, theatre tech, and facilitator. She grew up on Horomaka Banks Peninsula and now lives in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. She's spent time living in half a dozen countries. She has previously worked for the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Wellington Women’s Health Collective, and as a freelance designer and tech in the arts sector. 


Here’s to everything undone today:

laundry left damp in the machine,

the relatives unrung, the kitchen

drawer not sorted; here’s to jeans

unpatched and buttons missing,

the dirty dishes, the novel

not yet started. To Christmas

cards unsent in March, to emails

marked unread. To friends unmet

and deadlines unaddressed;

to every item not crossed off the list;

to everything still left, ignored, put off:

it is enough.


Zoë Higgins


Craig Arnold


Maggie Smith