Rose Flint

Rose Flint was brought up in the Midlands, England, then trained as a sculptor in London before moving to the Welsh Borders; she now lives in Somerset. A committed environmentalist and feminist, her poetry reflects her love of earth and a sense of the spirit that resides in all nature. She has published 6 volumes of poetry and won several awards.


Because the world is being broken into allotments of dollars and loss

We will plant our fruit trees and lilies in the cracks between paving stones.

Because the world is rinsed scarlet with blood we will take our own reds of passion and heart 

and place them in hearths and love’s look, knowing their potential for healing fire.

Because the world’s spirit is being torn we will mend our own webs of connection, 

that fine lace, stretching between us, connecting us into all life in every direction.

Because the sky is being clouded over with smoke and dirt and armored stars 

we will stand in the dark of mountains, in backstreet alleyways 

and in deserts to call out the old names of the starry ones,

The sky dancers: Astarte, Arianrhod, Venus, Aditi, our eyes shining,

Our eyes shining with hope.


Rose Flint


Robert Winner


May Sarton