Walter Everette Hawkins

Walter Everette Hawkins was born around 1888 in North Carolina. He is the author of Chords and Discords (The Gorham Press, 1920) and worked as a mail clerk in the post office of the City of Washington.

Ask me why I love you, dear, 

And I will ask the rose 

Why it loves the dews of Spring 

At the winter’s close; 

Why the blossoms’ nectared sweets

Loved by questing bee,—

I will answer you, 

If they answer me. 


Ask me why I love you, dear,

And I will ask the flower

Why it loves the Summer sun,

Or the Summer shower;

I will ask the lover’s heart

Why it loves the moon,

Or the star-besprinkled skies

In a night in June. 


    Let the lark reply,

Why his heart is full of song

When the twilight’s nigh;

Why the lover heaves a sigh

When her heart is true;

If you will but answer me,

I will answer you.  


Walter Everette Hawkins from 'Ask Me Why I Love You'


Dorianne Laux


Robert Winner